today is the day i introduce my latest Android project "Zhe Eye!".
The application has a BroadcastReceiver which starts the GPS tracking service after boot-up. The service is totally invisible and runs in the background. The BroadcastReceiver listens also for SMS events and sen them to the server.
- Listen the environment from your PC
- Take picture (>1.5)
- Read SMS's
- OpenStreetMap api layer
- Time filter for all tasks and activities
- Date Filter
- Hide/Show layers
- Go to the and choose your username and password
- Go to the and login
- Click on "Add target" and register your phone (You will need IMEI number for this. go to the settings>about phone>status for IMEI number)
- Click on "Download APK" and, download the APK, install on your phone and restart your phone. It may take a while till you get the GPS fixed.
- Once the connection is established between de server and your Phone, map will be visible and you can see your location, listen your phone and take pictures.
I am working on the application in which i want the app to take picture in background service without knowing the user. But i am not able to open the camera in the service, can you please help me with the issue?