zaterdag 13 maart 2010

Android Phone Tracking

Ladies and gentlemen,

today is the day i introduce my latest Android project "Zhe Eye!".

The application has a BroadcastReceiver which starts the GPS tracking service after boot-up. The service is totally invisible and runs in the background. The BroadcastReceiver listens also for SMS events and sen them to the server.


  1. Listen the environment from your PC
  2. Take picture (>1.5)
  3. Read SMS's
Web interface features;

  1. OpenStreetMap api layer
  2. Time filter for all tasks and activities
  3. Date Filter
  4. Hide/Show layers
So you can basically view every action based on Location and Time (Gods View). The application is still in beta. You can register and use for free. Please follow the installation instructions;

  • Go to the and choose your username and password
  • Go to the and login
  • Click on "Add target" and register your phone (You will need IMEI number for this. go to the settings>about phone>status for IMEI number)
  • Click on "Download APK" and, download the APK, install on your phone and restart your phone. It may take a while till you get the GPS fixed.
  • Once the connection is established between de server and your Phone, map will be visible and you can see your location, listen your phone and take pictures.
I hope you like this application.

1 opmerking:

  1. I am working on the application in which i want the app to take picture in background service without knowing the user. But i am not able to open the camera in the service, can you please help me with the issue?
